Gaiman's one of my favorite writers and I'll defend his right to snuggle whoever, whenever, and wherever in his home he wants to. That said, I could see him getting grabby just from some of the more unsavory chapters of the Sandman. This is coming from a pretty low-status male too lol
He's a sexual predator who fantasizes about being the wolf in Little Red Riding Hood. Are you seriously so twisted and depraved that you'll defend that?
Vox, you showed superhero-level restraint in your brief reply. You could have destroyed him point by point, all of it was so ripe for the picking. He has no idea how much worse it could have gone for him.
Vox, perhaps I'm too new here, but I've seen many posts detailing Gammas and nothing at all about Omegas. I am trying to learn how to distinguish the various tiers from each other, but I have no information to go on for Omegas. Could you please write a Gamma vs. Omega post focused on behaviors? Thanks.
That weird low status investment in total strangers is such an unfortunate quality. I suppose the absurd spray of hyperbolic projection is supposed to … make you hurt more than your words about Mr. Tubcuddle hurt it?
Sadly, it only works if their opinions matter. And unintentional confessions about its own romantic life aren’t helping the status any.
The vast majority of one's problems can be solved by simply not caring about them any more. Dedicating mental real estate to every person who's caused you some minor grievance can't be good for the brain.
In your boundless efforts to prove how intelligent and clever you are you completely neglected the "vast majority" part of the statement. Being able to read isn't a requirement for pedantry, apparently.
I don't get it. How does anyone think that taking a maid and cuddling with her in a tub is anything other than damaged? Who honestly wants to cuddle with ANYONE in a tub?
I mean, really, just answer that honestly.
It's like if you heard your hero wanted to cuddle under a couch.
Or a bed.
Or a table.
Your first thought should not be, "Wow! I wish I could do that!"
It should be, "What kind of sick mind has to do power games and hide in weird places to get his rocks off?"
Of course ridiculing women is the defense gammas employ when one of their own's fake friend/ally schtick is exposed. It's never that they're the ones being dishonest and oily, of course -- "it's the evil women and the other, jealous men!"
As you say, the current blow up is a defense of the technique the commentator themself thinks highly of. In this case it's leveraging status and creepy indirect behavior to ensnare women. The commenter is weird and wishes status could do the pickup pulling they are too uncertain to do.
"Gaiman says that he started reading The Hero with a Thousand Faces but refused to finish it: "I think I got about halfway through The Hero with a Thousand Faces and found myself thinking if this is true – I don't want to know. I really would rather not know this stuff. I'd rather do it because it's true and because I accidentally wind up creating something that falls into this pattern than be told what the pattern is."
This quote is from Neil Gaiman - Wikipedia.
Now the trials in the hero's journey is even more important. Man vs man or man vs the monster, what else is there? Women are lovely and charming and everything, but they are thing on the side of The Mission.
I’m still shocked at how far away from anything masculine Neil Gaiman must be, if he can imagine a world where the idyllic village can’t be disturbed. He can’t imagine a peasant being told to go to the gym, before he is expected to fight a dragon. Or that the divine and chosen hero isn’t tested. In children’s stories, the main characters are always implied to be in danger. Even though they have plot armor, they learn how to not act like babies anymore.
It’s like a newborn baby crying for mommy’s boob. He WANTS her! So she must WANT her. And asking her out, risking rejection, that has to be categorically false. Babies can’t handle that rejection. Which goes along with Vox’s comments about gamma fiction. The hot, big boobed, divine virgin wants him the instant she sees him. He is the chosen one.
That’s what the middle part in THWATF is about. Tearing the boy away from mother, so the man can come forth. The man we need.
20 years ago, I became friends with a fellow moderator on one of the pre-manosphere forums. This friend of mine - let's call him Chris Griffin, because that's his name - took issues with a know-it-all forum member who was gamma to the core. He retaliated against his gamma stink but drawing MS Paint cartoons of said member celebrating his online pwnage of others by sodomizing himself with a potted plant. Usually his mom would catch him in the act.
No matter how rich
No matter how famous
You are still a creep
Thats the mirror they stare at.
Imagine the chasm deep bitterness that they that lies in that realisation.
Gaiman's one of my favorite writers and I'll defend his right to snuggle whoever, whenever, and wherever in his home he wants to. That said, I could see him getting grabby just from some of the more unsavory chapters of the Sandman. This is coming from a pretty low-status male too lol
He's a sexual predator who fantasizes about being the wolf in Little Red Riding Hood. Are you seriously so twisted and depraved that you'll defend that?
By sexual predator do you mean he uses his fame to get laid? I would defend that situationally. I don't really care about his fantasy life or kinks.
Was the email from Enough Is Enough? He seems to have taken this post personally. Or he's making a bid to be featured in the next comment of the week.
It's possible, but I think it's a previously banned commenter.
Anyhow, he's gone.
Hulk Hogan was right, Enough was Enough.
Sad I missed their nonsense.
The projection is strong with this one.
Vox, you showed superhero-level restraint in your brief reply. You could have destroyed him point by point, all of it was so ripe for the picking. He has no idea how much worse it could have gone for him.
Vox, perhaps I'm too new here, but I've seen many posts detailing Gammas and nothing at all about Omegas. I am trying to learn how to distinguish the various tiers from each other, but I have no information to go on for Omegas. Could you please write a Gamma vs. Omega post focused on behaviors? Thanks.
Sure, that's a good idea.
Thanks. With all the new information coming in day by day, the sooner the better.
That weird low status investment in total strangers is such an unfortunate quality. I suppose the absurd spray of hyperbolic projection is supposed to … make you hurt more than your words about Mr. Tubcuddle hurt it?
Sadly, it only works if their opinions matter. And unintentional confessions about its own romantic life aren’t helping the status any.
The vast majority of one's problems can be solved by simply not caring about them any more. Dedicating mental real estate to every person who's caused you some minor grievance can't be good for the brain.
In your boundless efforts to prove how intelligent and clever you are you completely neglected the "vast majority" part of the statement. Being able to read isn't a requirement for pedantry, apparently.
Mr. Tubcuddle. A fine example of rhetoric: highly visual, based in reality, sums up the creep in 2 words and sticks in the mind like superglue.
I don't get it. How does anyone think that taking a maid and cuddling with her in a tub is anything other than damaged? Who honestly wants to cuddle with ANYONE in a tub?
I mean, really, just answer that honestly.
It's like if you heard your hero wanted to cuddle under a couch.
Or a bed.
Or a table.
Your first thought should not be, "Wow! I wish I could do that!"
It should be, "What kind of sick mind has to do power games and hide in weird places to get his rocks off?"
Yeah, Gaiman pulling tons of young strange from r/cutters. Cool bro
This seems very bizarre. It's almost as if this gamma has a crush on you. To come up with this from out of nowhere seems just too ridiculous.
This is an embarrassing display, white knighting for a "male feminist" is really one of the lowest things I could imagine.
"I don't have a lot of patience for stories in which women are rescued by men."
Because HE would never be moved to rescue a woman...
I expect neither would your 'attacker.'
Disney, Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon Creator Kyle Carrozza Charged with Possession of Child Porn.
SJWs have something in common.
Someone send up the Auron Macintyre signal.
Of course ridiculing women is the defense gammas employ when one of their own's fake friend/ally schtick is exposed. It's never that they're the ones being dishonest and oily, of course -- "it's the evil women and the other, jealous men!"
As you say, the current blow up is a defense of the technique the commentator themself thinks highly of. In this case it's leveraging status and creepy indirect behavior to ensnare women. The commenter is weird and wishes status could do the pickup pulling they are too uncertain to do.
This guy seems incapable of understanding that most men actually like women.
"Gaiman says that he started reading The Hero with a Thousand Faces but refused to finish it: "I think I got about halfway through The Hero with a Thousand Faces and found myself thinking if this is true – I don't want to know. I really would rather not know this stuff. I'd rather do it because it's true and because I accidentally wind up creating something that falls into this pattern than be told what the pattern is."
This quote is from Neil Gaiman - Wikipedia.
Now the trials in the hero's journey is even more important. Man vs man or man vs the monster, what else is there? Women are lovely and charming and everything, but they are thing on the side of The Mission.
The Sorceress is an enemy a man may have to overcome. Like Morgan Le Fey, or Circe
I’m still shocked at how far away from anything masculine Neil Gaiman must be, if he can imagine a world where the idyllic village can’t be disturbed. He can’t imagine a peasant being told to go to the gym, before he is expected to fight a dragon. Or that the divine and chosen hero isn’t tested. In children’s stories, the main characters are always implied to be in danger. Even though they have plot armor, they learn how to not act like babies anymore.
It’s like a newborn baby crying for mommy’s boob. He WANTS her! So she must WANT her. And asking her out, risking rejection, that has to be categorically false. Babies can’t handle that rejection. Which goes along with Vox’s comments about gamma fiction. The hot, big boobed, divine virgin wants him the instant she sees him. He is the chosen one.
That’s what the middle part in THWATF is about. Tearing the boy away from mother, so the man can come forth. The man we need.
20 years ago, I became friends with a fellow moderator on one of the pre-manosphere forums. This friend of mine - let's call him Chris Griffin, because that's his name - took issues with a know-it-all forum member who was gamma to the core. He retaliated against his gamma stink but drawing MS Paint cartoons of said member celebrating his online pwnage of others by sodomizing himself with a potted plant. Usually his mom would catch him in the act.
How did he know?
My friend is now a stand-up comic based out of Vancouver. Catch his show if you get a chance.
I was wondering! Those names reminded me of the RoK days.