A lowly Delta…. I really hope when Jesus is on his throne we hear things like “lowly Alpha”. Personal wish is all.

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I can't believe this is real; it seems contrived solely to prove the SSH. This discovery, combined with the picture, cements it for me.

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Laughed at this today:

"Desire to seem clever, to be talked about, to be remembered after death, to get your own back on the grown-ups who snubbed you in childhood, etc., etc. It is humbug to pretend this is not a motive, and a strong one. Writers share this characteristic with scientists, artists, politicians, lawyers, soldiers, successful businessmen—in short, with the whole top crust of humanity. "

—George Orwell

Gamma confirmed.

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“But no one is ever going to confuse a King Geek for a genuine Alpha" that's true but a lot of these dudes want to be confused as king geek Sheldon cooper or Malcom in the middle or tony stark and become nutcases. I had a friend with super hot girlfriends that totally sabotaged himself doing as much. thats the gen z trend.

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I'm not reading all that

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TL;DR A Gamma with a Delta boss whines and brags about being more clever than him.

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"It's that old adage of the hero sticking around for too long to end up getting considered a villain"

And unfortunately, Moffatt just couldn't resist trying to revive past glories, and came back to take a giant dump on his own legacy with the utter atrocity that is this years "Christmas" Special

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"The next time Moffat approached me, I turned around, reared up to my full height, advanced on him like a wall of hairy man-flesh, and - for the first and only time - took the "offensive" role in the conversation, questioning his own life and career as if such things were obviously my business. He started to shrink back, and after a couple of minutes, I realised that he was actually deferring to me. And I remember thinking: dear God, is it really this simple?"

This is why Deltas disregard praise. They are easily manipulated and flattery is an obvious avenue for anyone looking to run a con.

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I think Voxday did put it best in his response to me. Accept complements even if they are flattery but never run after them.

If you do then the flatterer has succeeded.

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"His mind will be open to whole new empires of experience, but he'll have no way of contextualising this in terms of the people around him".

Becoming socially inept and pursuing an ideal at the expense of those you lead is a recipe for impending disaster. Rollo coins it well that human beings are victims of their own pathologies.

Give gamma power and he leads himself to self destruction.

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Damn, that's a lot of words.

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How on Earth did you come across this? Also re: Le Power-Pat "When I did work it out, I felt rather annoyed, and told everyone I met at the Tavern that he had a gay crush on me." .....What a fag.

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Hey! I gotta question! Any o' you guys ever heard of a guy taking "self-aware gamma humor" like waayy too freaking far?

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Dec 29Edited

Just keep adding "tee hee, lol" to the end of all your insults

No one will catch on.

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See.. that face: "x'D" I only put that when I am smiling genuinely, or truly laughing. It's like.. what I live for. In dog terms, my tale is wagging.

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Better to learn to be calm. No one wants you jumping on them and drooling.

Maybe your goals are wrong, if saying "tee hee" is what you live for?

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Holy shit that's a good point.. I need to grow up. WTF is my problem

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All of it is way too freaking far. Gammas erroneously believe that adding intentionality to unacceptable social behavior somehow makes it acceptable.

"I meant to do that" is not the successful saving throw they believe it to be.

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Saving throw ought to be used more often, a very useful concept!

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I'll give you the short version, if you want. I admire this post because of its dynamism, its scope, its technique, its sheer artistry.

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Slightly OT question: Moffat has several Lambda friends; is that indicative of anything regarding his socio-sexual status, or is it just a consequence of the field he works in?

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The latter. My band played dance music and was signed to a gay record label. Your behavioral patterns are set long before you get professionally established.

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When I read things written by gammas the most striking thing is always how foreign their thoughts and concepts of the world are. I reread the quoted comments a few times because it was hard to absorb and portions are nonsensical word salad. Who would ever guess that there are men who think like this? One who believes 17 year old boys are driven by angst?

I know that I’m applying my own filter to this man’s words, but when I read them it all sounds very petty and bitchy in a feminine way.

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Gammas are solipsistic like women. And have thought patterns very similar to women.

It is a kind of fundamental effeminacy and makes them adjacent to Lambdas.

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Pretty common for 40k Geeks who finally outgrow it to say its too full of "teenage angst" so I think most Geeks think that way.

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It is exactly that. Imagine that article by Miles was written by a woman, and suddenly it sounds normal.

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With your opening sentence, I was 90% sure it was going to be about Moffat: a genuinely talented writer whom every loser in British media hates for being able to morph the ultimate little-watched nerd show into something quite popular without destroying its essential character.

Its' telling that Steven is well known; until today I've never heard of Lawrence Miles.

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He also had an incredibly beautiful daughter who married David Tennant.

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No, Georgia Moffett (not Moffat, Moffett) is the daughter of the Fifth Doctor, Peter Davison; Moffat only has two sons.

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Ah, thank you for the correction.

The Grand Moffs of the British Empire are very confusing

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That Peter was only a Davison because there was already a Peter Moffett in Equity. There is a surfeit of Moffett(at)s in British entertainment.

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He wrote a few licensed Doctor Who novels and co-wrote The Unauthorized Guide to Doctor Who, 1975-1979, Seasons 12 to 17.

However, he did recognize the mediocrity of Neil Gaiman's work and Gaiman's general awfulness nearly 20 years before it became apparent to the public.

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It's always an interesting point of data who notices the sham. Mirrormask was enjoyed by this teller, but like Labyrinth he always recognised there was a twisted nature to the work, but then it makes sense when you know that it was the Wolf he focused on in fairytale not Red Riding Hood, the Grandma or the Hunter.

Certainly when all of the song of the elf-horns captures you it ends better than when what you are enchanted by is the howling notes of their Wild Hunt.

A pity to become Horror of the woods, but it was what he chose, so comes the axe.

It's a bit like a fairytale itself two hunchbacks entering the fairy mound, one losing his hump, the other gaining two for his rudeness, greed and wicked nature.

A hunchbacked soul to be sure.

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As a writer, how do you look at an author picking an villain to fully explore in a story, vs using the villain to trigger the exploration of the victims/other?

The normal story method is the later. The former seems to mostly be about making evil seem good in the modern way, has any author done a good job of exploring the villain as the story, without trying to justify it, but more as the insight into evil rather than the explanation of it?

I dont like horror or other evil focused stories, so I havent read enough to know if people have explored that, my current take seems to be that all these new "evil as protagonist" is just clown world rising, and not real authorship trying to tease out humanity from their explorations.

As someone who wants to understand evil, but is not interested in reading/watching it as entertainment, I have big gaps here.

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The greater body of such works are indeed little more than villain whitewashing. However, villain as victim isn't automatically such a twisted thing, it's just been abused and warped out of place.

Likely some author has done a good story on the matter without descending into presenting evil as good, but this teller is rarely good for specific examples. Somebody else will have to tell you of an example, apologies.

Facing evil in entertainment is far safer than facing it in the flesh. If you haven't read it, the Screwtape Letters is a short but good insight into evil. Well, not necessarily human evil...

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I haven't read the Screwtape Letters. I will check it out.


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