Incidentally, like most gamma, the only thing Doof knows about classical literature and quantum entanglement, he learned from Wikipedia.

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You appear to be obsessed with “Gammas.”

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There are ways to become smarter. Most of it is more about quitting the behaviors that actively make you more retarded. There are all sorts of mental habits of lazy thinking and cutting corners which preclude good awareness of situations, and awareness is like the food of one's intelligence. Like so, there are motivations for gamma behaviors that can be plucked from the roots so that they don't even want to act in such ways anymore. For example: why would the pictured gamma say that thing about high fertility? He's trying to people-please. Why? He actually does want the approval of other people, he just has no idea how to get it. Once the gamma recognizes this, he'll learn humility and learn to have more respect for people who do attain respect from other people - and that's theoretically a cure to the gamma delusion bubble.

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Sep 23Liked by Vox Day

I once had a gamma tell me that all it took to arouse his attraction was for a woman to smile at him. I shudder to think how many times he's latched on to what are simply passing expressions of polite indifference.

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Sep 22Liked by Vox Day

I knew a few pretty girls in college that did seem compassionate. Most attractive woman are not.( for obvious reasons) But these girls tried to be nice to gammas and it always turned out terribly. They were at least stalked. Sometimes they were assaulted. Sadly they learned to shun low status men. Ironically a few of the gammas involved still hate these woman and claim they were teases. Gammas cannot operate in Polite society.

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Was in a software development team consisting mostly of developers, supported by a smaller contingent of application analysts.

The former application analyst lead, along with many others, were transferred to a new project team. And a gamma with only 1.5 years of experience, with no prior experience, took over as the lead for the analysts.

His predecessor had almost 2 decades of experience at that time. His premature ascendance to the role meant that all of the devs had to regularly tie up loose ends he conveniently left us.

Most in such position would lay low and stay humble. But the promotion, nonetheless, greatly inflated the gamma's perception of himself. And despite his lack of experience, he never missed an opportunity to talk down to whomever he thought he could get away with doing so.

"Do I make myself clear?", he said to me at the end of a conversation with a smug; that was immediately after his promotion. I was not an analyst, and had in fact joined the team before him.

I quickly learnt that: everything revolves around a gamma's self-image. I quickly learned not to crack jokes, or make small talks with the fellow.

One time, I started an small talk about his day to day work with him. And it led to him making a comparison that: "functional specs are much harder to prepare than design specs; what is there to do for design specs?" And of course, functional spec are prepared by analysts.

During another time, I jokingly stated that an essential work criteria should be dispensed with, and was swiftly met with a stare down: "when an analyst tells you to do something, you do it."

Everyone is potentially a psychological resource for the gamma to siphon off of, for the benefit of his self-image.

Once, a developer asked the gamma for the name of the analyst assigned to his task group - something that should had been done at that stage. Instead of simply replying "I/we have not decided that yet". The gamma turned to our tech lead, and with an exasperated tone exclaimed "why are the developers looking so lost".

In one meeting, a developer asked for guidance for a technical issue he'd encountered. Uninvited, the gamma butted in to patronize the developer, who was already humbled before the entire team. "Race condition doesn't seem like something you can handle, make sure you ask for help." - this was from someone who knew next to nothing about the subject matter at hand.

I once had to tell him, with as much tact as I could muster, that I would ask my team lead if I need to know what my priorities are, in response to his unsolicited comment.

He immediately doubled down and retorted: "You still need the team to help you with the requirement analysis and design...".

Ironically, I was the one performing the requirement analysis for the feature request we were working on; when it should had been his job. In his mind, I was the one being helped by him.

It was remarkable how he reflexively invoke the entire team to his defense, the moment he was personally held to account.

Posturing is the gamma's weapon of choice. He gaslights, manipulates, and retreats into his delusional bubble, while indulging in it - all at the same time.

Come to think about it. One of the first impression I got of him when he first joined the team, is him getting a software manager to write and send an email on his behest.

Wasn't surprised at all to learn that of all the people in team, it's the analysts working under him that loathed him the most. Every analyst that was in his batch, and those that came before him has left by the time I resigned.

There were more examples. But this post is too long.

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Sounds like you really went through it. My sympathies.

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You're really out here drawing slutty mice

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“Pity is no basis for friendship or for any other kind of relationship.”

So true. Especially in today’s era of instant information and digital paper trails, one’s true opinion is easily discovered by anyone who has more than two brain cells. A friendship based on pity is one based on falsehood, because the one offering the pity does so out of a desire to satisfy their own conscience (“Man, I’d feel bad if someone left me alone like that”) instead of a desire to offer their true selves to the person in question.

And what person with any sense of self worth would want to offer their true self to a Gamma?

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Carefully tailored suffering is pretty much the only way for the Gammas to even be stimulated to change his ways if he doesn't have the will done by God of course.

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Doof later - “Man, that redhead is a stuck up bitch. She’s going to learn her lesson someday.”

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I should have added a 5th panel with Doof and a thought bubble: "I hope she gets raped."

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All too true, but also too spicy! A gamma married into my extended family .. he’s just autistic enough to say things like that aloud.

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Much as "delusion bubble" is a great term for the Gamma fantasy world it fails to get at the depth and breadth and strength of it. The Gamma's life's work is maintaining the bubble and shoring it up against reality. You breach it at your peril.

If you befriend a Gamma you enter into the delusion. He will create an elaborate role for you and you are expected to fill it. Trouble is you don't have a script. If you get your lines wrong (and you will) you trigger a meltdown. This may only involve a tantrum + flounce but depending on how big a role you play you might have a stalker or murderer on your hands.

Steer clear, and be really, even cruelly blunt in rejecting the Gamma at the outset and you won't make it into the script in the first place.

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Here's a personal experience about a gamma serial killer from my youth. It's a cautionary tale reinforcing the advice to avoid gammas.

It happened over thirty years ago when I was in 7th grade and worked in the cafeteria, but I remember it clearly. I'll call the gamma Dexter.

As I'm walking to the cafeteria before the lunch periods begins, Dexter, also a student cafeteria worker, runs up behind and asks me to stop so he could show me something.

Dexter: I want to show you something. It's cool.

Me: Just tell me.

Dexter: Stop so I can show you.

Me: That's ok. I don't need to know.

Dexter: It's a credit card.

Me: I've seen those before.

Dexter then pulls out a stiletto switchblade and tells me how cool it is as he plays with it. I said he should be careful showing it people because he could get in trouble. I avoided him thereafter because the encounter creeped me out. My intuition told me he was bad news.

Six months later he killed a classmate and my former youth soccer teammate. He shot the classmate in the head.

When I heard about it, I realized that there was a strong chance I would have been the victim had I befriended the gamma.

The investigation concluded it was an accidental shooting. Dexter disappeared for a while and then returned to school.

Fast forward four years later--high school.

Dexter joined the wrestling team for a brief time, but nobody liked the guy. He always wore camouflage and said weird, inappropriate things. I wasn't on the wrestling team that year, but my brother was, confirming the gamma's bad reputation.

Enter the next victim. I'll call him Sammy.

One day as my mom dropped me off to school, a dorky kid wearing high water pants, arms flailing about, ran in front of our car.

My mom laughed and said,"Oh my...Who is that awkward kid?" Her omega sensor was functioning properly. The guy was named Sammy and had a reputation for being one of the dorkiest kids at school but I didn't personally know him.

About a year later Dexter shot Sammy in the head, his second victim, with the same MO as the first victim.

This time the investigators weren't fooled.

I suspect Dexter(gamma) befriended Sammy(omega) with evil intentions. Sammy was probably happy to have a "friend."

Avoid gammas at all costs. Your life might depend on it.

The LA Times had several articles about

the case. Search "Anaheim Hills Killer of Two Friends" for details of the case.

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LOL why did you change the names if you were going to give us the ability to look up the case ourselves?

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Various sensitivities. Consider the idiom "speaking in hushed tones" versus "shout it from the rooftops."

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This story reminds me of Dr. Amy Bishop, a Harvard-educated geneticist who was denied tenure at the University of Alabama-Huntsville and proceeded to kill her department chair and two of her colleagues during a faculty meeting. When she was 21 she killed her younger brother with a 12-gauge pump-action shotgun. Her father was an art professor at Northeastern and the family was able to wield enough influence to have the incident classified as an accident.

Once Dexter killed the first classmate and got away with it, the fact that he even touched another gun is prima facie evidence of guilt.

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Sep 21·edited Sep 21

In my experience gammas and omegas scare off men who try to befriend them, too. Their behavior is odd, their self-awareness is minimal to non-existent, and their ability to rationalize is high.

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Sep 21·edited Sep 21

I've tried to help them. It wasn't worth it.

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Sep 21·edited Sep 21

The best teacher is the burned hand, as she found out.

Like we say down south, I bet she don’t do that again.

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I think this is part of the reason leftists are so depressed. They always virtue signal and "save a refugee" or befriend the outcast for whatever reason and then get either molested or slapped in the face with so much cognitive dissonance that they go mental.

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They’re depressed because they’re retarded.

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yes the retardedness makes them befriend the molester.

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Retardery goeth before the fall.

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I don't think it goeth at all.

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I've read this particular comic episode before, but seeing it reposted here I suddenly realized that the "I'm too intelligent to talk about makeup and sportsball or [insert subject]" line has its roots in simple disinterest in those topics. This disinterest is fine. What places it into the retarded realm of Gammary is equating non-interest in a subject as the subject itself possessing no redeeming aspects. As usual, the Gamma places the intensity of his emotions as the definition of reality. To the Gamma, other people being interested in a subject for which he has no interest must therefore mean that those other people are unintelligent. The Secret King always wins.

Ironically, makeup and sports can both be intelligently discussed at a high level because it is not the subject that is intelligent or unintelligent. The speaker possesses the intelligence, not the subject.

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13 year old girls are notorious for it. "Other girls: omg I love pink eyeshadow, dresses, and boys! Me: Wears black eyeliner, ripped pants, and has no time for silly boys!" (Implying those things make her uniquely rebellious and cool) - you see those sorts of things often.

One major thing that makes the gamma, gamma, is his penchant for female behavior patterns.

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Yeah personally I don't like makeup with the skin damaging chemicals and masking real health issues that do end up manifesting on the face which needs to be rectified first.

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