I once had a female boss who was excellent to work under. She was average looks but kept herself trim and had a wonderful personality, albeit a bit of an attention whore. I could see she would be a high flyer within the workplace & told her so. Her response was that she’d happily give it all up to be a stay at home mum/wife. We eventually parted ways, but the last I heard, she’d gained promotion and was divorced.

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Most men, if they stop to think about it, will admit that the life arc prescribed for them - born, learn, work, die - is pretty shit. But at least men are kinda built for it. Trying to shoehorn women into the same arc, especially when they will likely want children at some point, is madness.

And those God seeks to destroy he first makes mad.

Save the ones you can, but don't sweat the ones you can't. It's only the ones you save that matter, in the end.

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I don't subscribe here because it comes across as a personality cult (with "SSH" as its litany, whatever that's supposed to be). But there are some interesting statements being made, for sure.

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Ignore the personality aspects. The basic ideas are the most valuable information and are not dependent upon any one individual.

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Now you're catching on...

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Watch the Conservatives on Twitter when I say women shouldn't be in the military. Outrage and insult subroutines engaged.

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The last century has represented more progress than all the previous centuries combined. Maybe you mean the last 50 years?

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17

Adam and Eve leaving Eden was also progress.

A person dying and rotting in the ground is also progress.

A child learning to read is progress.

"Progress" in and of itself does not imply whether something is positive or negative. It just means that something "went forward". But since you can also go forward towards a cliff, well...

"Progress" is not a virtue. "Progress" is not a value.

Don't regurgitate buzz words.

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Progress toward what, precisely?

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I meant scientific.

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Exactly. Progression can be towards good or evil. Hopefully Sheila will answer truthfully.

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Warren Buffett: 'Only when the tide goes out do you discover who's been swimming naked.' The empowered are taking antidepressant drugs, while the enablers—the lower-status men—are paying the price.

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We will continue for as long as possible to have a single income family along with half of my wife's brothers and sisters. As of 2024 we can raise children while having only the husband working. Live within your means. You do not need the next house size up or a Mercedes that craps out at 100k miles.

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Patriarchy existed and women were oppressed by it. They had to be. Societies that allowed women to run rampant didn’t make it through the great filter.

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Oppressed is a political word. It is a man’s job to be the head of the family. But likewise, it is the woman’s job to be the neck.

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That’s kinda funny but it is just disguised feminism. Men should lead. The neck turns the head so you are saying woman secretly lead.

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In ‘Marriage is not a Suicide Pact’ last week, the woman failed in her role as the neck. She tried to be the head. She was wrong to usurp her man. Her job was to turn him as head towards the information that she discovered. When women were raised in multigenerational homes, the elders taught this skill to the younger. It’s not a feminism trait but I see your point.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16

Yes the neck turns the head, but the neck also supports the head 100%. Ride or die. Properly utilized, the woman’s emotional capability provide a sort of radar alert for the man and turns his head towards danger. My grandfather used to call this the destroyer screening function as in the warship.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16

If we want to save civilization then homeschooling is the way forward. For whatever reason, the leaders of the teachers unions are radical feminists that refuse to teach work skills to children. Everybody must go to college and become a chief. There can be no Indians. Feminists hate Delta men because Delta men are disgusted by feminists.


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Very nice clip. Mike Rowe has been classy at his cause for a long time.

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Even still treating it as an ideological debate has become a categorical error.

The need to weigh abstract likelihoods vanishes once the observable empirical evidence becomes available. Hence perpetual year zero.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16

Just a few decades ago, the West used to inspire. Now, the tenets of feminism are being rejected globally, including China and Russia. They're aware that by their fruits ye shall know them.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16

The world deserves to know the percentage of women and children murdered by IDF female soldiers in Gaza. Men don’t instinctively kill women and children. Empowered Feminists kill trad women with orgasmic fury.

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290,000 students were reported as sexually abused in American schools by female teachers between 1991 and 2000. This is feminism.


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Predators go to where the prey is located.

Homeschool or die.

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Feminism has become the beast

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Feminism is FROM the Beast.

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"Feminism is a destructive ideology that is more incoherent than communism, more bloodthirsty than nazism, and more histrionic than fascism." - Vox Day

When I read this years ago, I thought it hyperbolic. However, history has proven him absolutely correct. Besides a direct giant asteroid hit, nothing can destroy a civilization quicker than feminism.

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Forty plus years fighting traffic and working in a 6' x 6' cubical is "liberation." Making dinner for your loving husband and adoring children is "drudgery." - The Empire of Lies.

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Not "drudgery", it's "slavery"...

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Not to mention the guilt-trip for not wanting to pursue a career, for wanting to be a homemaker.

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Interesting note: some time ago I looked up "career" in an old dictionary from 1908 and the first definition was simply "a direction" -- indeed, the route of motherhood is very much a career in that sense.

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Another definition is "move swiftly and in an uncontrolled way".

There must be a reason the same word is used. :)

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The way I look at is that I don't have a career. I have a job. I work to support my family. My "career" is my family.

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Happy Father’s Day.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16

Government plays God by declaring its chosen people based on group identity and not individual merit.

Feminism is a Jewish concept.

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