Is it safe to say a staple of Gamma behavior is they persist in arguing with you despite agreeing with you?... Because that would explain a lot. I am a woman and I've had the same thing with dysfunctional women. My brother is peak Gamma and by his mid teens it was basically impossible to have a discussion with him because it always had to escalate to an argument where I was wrong and he was right, even when we agreed or pretty much agreed on the topic. It's such a sad state to be in.

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Personally I blame the internet for the proliferation of Gammas. And general civilisation too I suppose. When we started to allow certain males of the species to avoid certain dangers and left them at home safe among the women and children, they had occasion to reproduce. Then the internet and civilisation in general once more removed danger from them. Now, they spout their venomous nonsense in rivers of electronic text, secure in their basements and homes.

I have not done an in depth study of this, but I am certain that back in the times of Ancient Rome or Sparta, the average gamma lived deep in a closet, for if he dared to spout his usual behaviour in a company of regular Roman soldiers or so, he would probably end up as lion feed in the arena.

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This comic is about Doof, the gamma mouse, constantly butting in to the get the last contrarian word and endearing much ill will in the process. The comment section in the linked post ended up like the comic and was made that much less enjoyable and useful to read because of it.

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I have learned that striking out in the game of love hardens the heart. May my heart never be hardened to the point I cannot hear clear instructions.

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If you closed your eyes these interactions are literally identical to the majority if Indians who came to Europe. Gamma seems to be the default setting for Nuk-Nuks.

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It may be true that "On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog", but everybody knows you're a Gamma.

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"I was in a position to know."

That right there should have been the end of the conversation. But, nope.

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Many gammas seem incapable of just trusting that other men know what they are talking about

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Dear Mr Vox Day, assuming that you believe that the SSH was developed by evolutionary means, what evolutionary niche does the gamma have?

It seems to me that there are both good and bad examples of every archetype, but I’ve yet to see any redeeming feature of the gamma.

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Your assumption is incorrect. Nothing was developed by evolutionary means and there are no evolutionary niches. While this isn't the place for a discussion of the topic, evolution by natural selection has been conclusively and mathematically disproven since 2019.

See here: https://voxday.net/2019/02/07/maximal-mutations/

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Huh, that’s interesting, I’ll look into that, thank you.

So if the SSH isn’t something that’s evolved, how do you think it came about? If you written about this before, I’d greatly appreciate a point in the right direction, since I didn’t know you had a previous blog.

I like your posts and I think the SSH is really a revolutionary way of thinking about intra- and intersexual dynamics. I’m happy I found your Substack, and look forward to looking through your older stuff.

Many thanks!

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`So if the SSH isn’t something that’s evolved, how do you think it came about? `

If the SSH evolved into existence, there's no reason why it can't evolve out of existence, which would make the study of it no longer relevant.

SSH has more to do with game theory and how different strategies/attitudes in men reach a predictable equilibrium when you understand the socio-sexual rules of the game. The SSH is a result of the game rules, not the genetics of humanity.

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Right, I understand what you mean SirHamster: SSH is what we call a collection of different behaviours, “the rules of the game” as you rightly put it. What I want to know is if there is a theory as to where these behaviours came from.

From the way you put it seems that there is individual reasons for each category that probably interact with each other. Which is both rather complex and besides the point as to the purpose of the SSH.

As for why I brought up evolution, it seems to be the default reason people hold for why things develop. Including not just genetics but behaviours in the sense of mimetics. Personally I’m completely agnostic towards evolution.

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"What I want to know is if there is a theory as to where these behaviours came from."

Human beings have reason and they perform actions according to what they know and what they think will help them accomplish their goals.

Any being that can reason could use the same sort of behaviors to play the game. Rational behavior is a function of a logical universe with intelligent agents.

"As for why I brought up evolution, it seems to be the default reason people hold for why things develop."

Evolution is an inadequate theory obsoleted by our increased understanding of genetics and information theory.

The traditional and logically sound reason for why things exist and have developed such is that in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

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Alright thank you, SirHamster! I appreciate you taking the time to explain it to me.

As for evolution, cool to see people here take creationism seriously. I never liked how people just dismiss it out of hand.

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The SSH isn't something that came about, but is rather a set of observations on the essential nature of man.

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They are typically subject matter experts.

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Subject matter experts have their place, they just need strong boundaries.

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And useful subject matters to be experts in.

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They don’t understand human interaction patterns at all. Even in the abstract. It really is bizarre to see it over and over. Like a head injury victim that’s more or less normal but missing a piece. Only repeating, calling to mind Marzinsky’s demonic whispers.

Whatever the reason, they can’t grasp that profile is revealed through interaction. It’s temporal. Moving. Which is the opposite of a posture. It manifests in the pattern where they mistake the opening for subsequent social image. The tells instantly give them away, but note the ways they try to set themselves up as the unconcerned authority also repeat. Often it’s the faux unctuous humble helper. Or the condescending loler. Sometimes it’s the belligerent dolt like this clown. And no matter the initial front, the ensuing meltdown is identical. Amazing. Applied anthropology.

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His initial question to me was a dead giveaway and that’s why I gave such a short reply. Why in the world would I share a story that I didn’t know was true?

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deletedApr 22
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There but for the grace of God go I.

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I love Vox’s paintings he puts on this blog. Is that AI you’re using? Also gamma behavior has destroyed the video game industry. Starfield is one of the worst games released in recent history.

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Blackpill is a negative thought process that is not positive in anyway. Most guys that I’ve seen that claim to be blackpill are always very negative and don’t have anything that is constructive to say to help build or fix a problem. Just like feminism it’s a false narrative masquerading as truth.

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I have found that the username a man chooses to identify himself by can be an important indicator for what interaction with him will be like.

It shouldn't be the only clue, but it is the only thing he tells every person he meets in this medium.

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My favorite definition of Black pill is from an old Bronze Age Pervert podcast: "someone who is demoralized, and wants to demoralize others."

Hardship reveals character. While some stand and fight, some are frozen in fear. Somewhere far from the melee, there's a wanker screaming, "Abandon your posts! Flee for your lives!"

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They are servants of Ahrimanic evil, no less. They preach the futility of resisting that inversion of all goodness and truth that we call clown world, so that the good and free may be enslaved to wickedness.

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Many such cases.

The very existence of virtue is condemnation of vice.

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Incidentally, this one is probably the most important lesson you can learn from team sports.

Not everyone is capable enough to make the play that turns around the game, but everyone can be better than a wet blanket scowling on the bench.

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The term is handy as a warning label, like the Mr. Yuk sticker: "It's got some useful information about X, but very blackpill."

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That is why they are called doomers. A lot of the channels on the right are doom and gloom.

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Exactly and I get tired of it. Guys it’s like Vox says it’s really not that hard to put for a little effort to get what you want in society. However if you lie to yourself like gamma men do it’s going to be doom for you.

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And I’ll add a lot of these right wing people sit on their ass and bitch about the problem but don’t organize like the left and do something about it.

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Yes, men these days like to complain. I used to do it while in the military and looking back you see how dumb and stupid one was. Then you think what impression that has left on others.

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The name "Coach Blackpill" alone reeks of Gamma.

Naming himself after a celebrity, but giving it a "twist". So pathetic.

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You can usually spot them in the name. Samurai Jack was a Gamma back a few years ago on Vox's blog. He was a trip.

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I don't mind the coach title, but to be a blackpiller means spreading despair.

A redpill or whitepill serves a higher purpose. Blackpills do not.

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“If you call yourself ‘Coach [Anything]’, you’re 100% a bitch.” — Undead Chronic

Not sure how true that is, but it is an interesting opinion.

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Lack of circumspection is catalyst and fuel for gamma self-immolation. How destructive ignorance of self is, insulating the mind from pain that would otherwise cue them to stop. Alternatively humility is a path toward healing and peace.

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“… the Gamma’s need to pose as an authority and posture as some sort of dispassionate higher being who is far beyond the petty concerns of a frail and lesser humanity…”

*I’m so dispassionate, objective, and nonchalant that I MUST be a Sigma*

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Ya, that last paragraph reminded me strongly why I left pope francis' church.

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The most annoying thing Coach Blackpill did, it was to assume that he was nobility. It wasn’t permitted to dismiss or ignore him. How has a guy not been hazed and humbled in school, in sports or in online videogames?

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Such places have become quite soft recently

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And good times create soft men.

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I ignored him so hard I didn't even notice when he got banned.

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I talked with in hopes he would listen, and to see if I could show errors well. People have believed in me, and in general, it’s not good to be lukewarm.

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You’re much more patient than I am. I quickly disengage from arguments, unless maybe I think third parties might benefit from a few things I have to say on the matter in question. But that’s rare.

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When it's calm and quiet, I'll be the one to call you patient. Arguments and fight, that is where I've learned my social skills. Before I started reading. And I may have been as he was. As guys with strong backs carry heavy loads for others, we with ADHD, handle the chaos and the uncontrolled for others.

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Apr 21·edited Apr 21

Read the two quotes above ("Pretending not to care..." and "When you say...") aloud in the voice and mannerism of Jordan Peterson. It's uncanny.

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deletedApr 22
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That's hilarious, I'm pretty sure his biggest fear was being called a Jordan Peterson, since that's what he told me I should worry about and he kept bringing up the specter of Peterson like some kind of boogeyman. The projection was off the charts.

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