Boy, uh, that Neitzsche essay just keeps bearing fruit, doesn't it? Had no idea it would keep pulling them out of the woodwork.

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Nietchze(I’m about done with worrying about where the fucking “z” goes) provides certain individuals some validation—they graft their own resentments for being “misunderstood” onto historical guy.

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The Gamma ban-hammer, in action: https://youtu.be/pOtmdHiCJNY?si=BwU_755kIjvSuegI&t=93

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It is interesting to follow the exchange and see that even when reality is pointed out by Sir Hamster, he still doubles down on the same gamma tell behavior, and he wonders why people laugh. The question of whether someone is an Alpha or Omega is determined by how the external audience reacts to an individual's behavior, and the gamma doesn't understand that. He still clings to the MBTI, believing it tells him he is special and that others don't get it.

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My generation grew up IRL before internet. Even now, it's difficult for me to appreciate how technology has removed some of the natural barriers to becoming gamma. Now these goons can cruise around niche internet communities and feed their delusions while skipping away from consequence. Like SSH gypsies. They can probably insulate themselves from reality much longer than in the old world.

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The part about the MBTI felt like "humble bragging", everyone know INTJs are a desirable type to be while something like INFP certainly has a big correlation with gamma behaviour.

I felt nauseous when I took a look at the INFP subreddit once, gamma energy overload.

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That amused me. If there is any utility to MB I never picked up on it. I took it once in a work related training session. And for the life of me could not tell you what my result was.

Then every now and then on the internet someone brags about being a type. I just scratched my head and could not believe that’s a thing.

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Well, in my opinion it has a little bit more validity than star signs and astrology, but not much. It can be a conversation starter because there are a bunch of women into it.

But certainly, patterns emerge. If you spend 60 seconds in the INTJ subreddit and 60 seconds in the INFP subreddit, it is really telling.

As vox pointed out it is not nearly as useful to predict behaviour as the SSH though.

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I find MBTI interesting and I know a couple who know their own types. And we've joked that it's 'Astrology but for smart people'. And how superior it is.

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I missed this in the comments. Admittedly, I don't have time to read all the comments at Sigma Game. Full gamma rage out complete with flounce.

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'''this makes me so mad' lol' lol' lol

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Sir Hamster displaying the reason for his knighthood. Dispassionately hacking and slashing at a problem with precision until it goes away.

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“You guys are like Stefan Molyneux fans without any empathy. Lol.”

That’s a very revealing bumper sticker to slap on your car.

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It's hilarious that he already had a spat with Molyneux fans that he's still bitter about.

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I actually first found out about vox when stef interviewed him like a decade ago. Time flies.

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Same here! During the 2016 election I found Moly then Vox. Daily dose of sanity ever since.

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“Destabilize Russia under the scheme of exaggerated panic in order to sow social unrest and dissatisfaction with the leadership’s responses…”


Sounds very Gamma.

And Brothers Krynn respond to George RR Martin’s very Gamma criticism of Aragorn:


(OK, that was back in February, so not sure why in my timeline this morning)

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G.R.R.M.'s albiet uninformed criticism there is much like the militant right-wingers saying they'll have to shoot the looters and such when the house of lies collapses, and it might seem unrealistic to think the reprobate domestic enemies will do as Tolkein said the orcs did, but that is actually quite literally what they will do without the evil one to centralize their power and keep them from the inevitable involution they will fall into... they are people who hate law & order, and cannot feasibly maintain any semblance of organization on their own. They speak like Crowley of the Will, but forget the Will of those many strong-willed people holding up the fabric of our culture in such a way as to combine them in greater mutual effort, which is the primary function and role of Kings to facilitate.

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Gammas making people look bad works to slow down alphas like Trump, who has famously been stymied by the Deep State, but will do little to a sigma like Putin who will probably just get a bit more stress from doing more beurocracy.

What the real concern NATO should have is the reaction of the Russian people, not Putin himself. Sigmas goal is their mission and so Putin isn't going to have a tight lid on the Russian people's actions. If they started burning down synagogues and lynching NATO types Putin would have a spot of trouble restraining them. Trump on the other hand, being an alpha's alpha, is singlehandedly preventing the right from going to war with and obliterating the left because the alpha just has that much control over their hierarchies.

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“If a behavior is ineffective, if it doesn't get the results you want, you should try something else.”

The behaviour exemplified here is pre-rational. Like Peter denying Jesus three times, even tho he’d been told by Jesus himself that he would do so and vehemently denying it.

There are people who will take being overtaken on the highway as personal.

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Kudos to SirHamster & Antirationalist for trying but the example shows rational explanation simply doesn’t work. Aristotle was right: there are people who can’t be taught. Even banning only serves to confirm their belief. But banning is necessary to maintain standards and keep the discussion on topic, as well as being the host’s prerogative.

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Didn't care if he changed his mind or not. The useful part is testing ideas against opposition and confirming that it maintains explanatory power.

This demonstrates that Vox's SSH is useful and can be trusted by those with the ability to make use of it.

The choice of Gammas to needlessly die on indefensible ground is another lesson in the futility of lies and delusion. Word-wizardry is just a convoluted way to shoot yourself in the foot.

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How can you change the mind of someone, when you write "We're documenting..." and he responds "...your attack on me..."?

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You don’t change his mind.

When you talk with the gamma, and you know there’s a third person who is reading and listening to both of you, you’re only giving the gamma rope to publicly hang themselves with.

If someone is divorced from reality, you let reality do the beatings for them. So you stay out of jail.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

Some people are incapable of being saved. Jesus isn't going to save everyone, who are we to think we can do better?

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An apparent characteristic of adult men who exhibit high levels of gammatude is an inability or unwillingness to integrate social feedback into their behaviours.

Most lower to mid status males learn to ‘fall in line’ at a young age. I recall moving to a new school mid year when I was 11. I hated it and responded to the sense of social rejection by behaving very obnoxiously towards my peers which certainly didn’t make my life any easier. Thankfully I was only there for 6 months but I realised I had dug myself a massive hole by making so many enemies and never made the same mistake again.

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“classifying people as some kind of seemingly insurmountable bad personality type”

First tell. The SSH classifies behaviour, not people. It is a subtle distinction and not everyone can make it straight away. But it is very useful.

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I like how we are polite and non vulgar. Then gammas come here to get upset and swear at us. So much emotion over some typed words. The truth hurts even over the internet.

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Yes, just like a women they resort to projection and then blame you for something that hasn't happened.

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So you're saying women are crazy?!How DARE you?!!!!11 /s

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What I find most interesting is the fact these people keep showing up. One would think that as awareness grows, the number of people who charge this machine gun nest would dwindle.

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The gamma self delusion bubble prevents the situational awareness necessary to not step into the trap. It's like the prey animal with colorful markings to help the predetor spot it.

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“One would think that as awareness grows, the number of people who charge this machine gun nest would dwindle.”

But if they crave attention, it’s more like moths to a flame.

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