Ask the Sigma: Responses
In which various responses by the different SSH ranks are contemplated
How would different SSH ranks respond to being called the wrong name by someone higher in the hierarchy, say an executive?
Alpha: Correct immediately in public. Doesn’t make a big deal about it.
Bravo: Correct later in private. Apologetically.
Delta: Worry about the potential significance of being unknown to the boss for weeks. Do nothing.
Gamma: Write a Wall of Text and send it to various people, none of whom can do anything about it. Stew about it for weeks.
Omega: Sigh and accept it.
Sigma: Ignore it and assume someone else will correct the moron. Or not. Whatever.
How would different SSH ranks respond to their wife telling them: “you never listen to me!” “you don’t love me!” “you never buy me anything! Do you even care?”
Alpha: Goes into full seduction mode. “Baby, you know that’s not true!”
Bravo: Apologizes and vows to do better in the future.
Delta: Cites a long list of evidence that proves she is wrong, complete with receipts from most recent flower purchase.
Gamma: Angrily denies everything and provokes massive fight in which he throws various accusations at her. After the fight, writes a Wall of Text and emails it to her.
Omega: What wife?
Sigma: Tells her to stop being ridiculous. Leaves her alone until she calms down. Then asks her what’s really going on.
The delta explaining why she is wrong, down to flower receipt purchases, is reminiscent of a thread on Dalrock a few years ago where some poor fellow kept a spreadsheet of all the times his wife refused him sex, which he eventually presented to her to convince her to change her ways. I can’t imagine it worked out well for him.
The Gamma only stews about it for weeks? That’s an optimistic timeframe. Years later the Gamma will corner unwilling listeners to tell them this woeful tale of betrayal. A 2 second incident turns into a 20 minute story. “He knew damn well what my name was. He said it wrong on purpose because he’s afraid of me. He had to show everyone around him what a big man he was.”