Another observation from my college days: The cute sorority girls and the fat nerdy girls have the same desire: to be wanted, loved, and valued, or at least to feel as such. The sorority girls have an easier time because they are more physically beautiful. They don’t need to exceed in academics or hold leaderships positions because they already get what they want just by smiling and batting their eyes at a few Deltas. But the fat nerdy girls, on the other hand, can’t do that without causing those Deltas to cringe. So I saw the fat nerdy girls taking on leadership positions in student organizations, becoming officers and presidents in clubs and societies, and since I was a business major… having plenty of work experience and an impressive resume. Because they couldn’t get people to look at them with their beauty, so they did so by becoming successful and influential in their circles.

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7 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs ago

"...other women will tactically encourage lower ranked women to double down on mistakes (short hair anyone?)"

Spot on. I occasionally see a woman among the Antifa/SJW/BLM protest crowd who, though she's done a few damaging things to her appearance (tats, stupid hair color, face jewelry), is otherwise attractive underneath it all. I'm confident that she devolved even further than she may have on her own, thanks to the encouragement of the miserable herd she unfortunately found herself among.

"Yeah, go get that face tat - it looks really good on you, girl!" says the short, drug addled lesbian fattie with zero chance at a 3+ SMV. Once it starts, it's extremely difficult for the unwitting, formerly attractive girl to recognize why it's happening and who's pulling her down even more.

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Meghan Trainor all about that bass no treble is probably a good example of knee capping.

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All this behavior stems from (imo) a fear of being outcast, or invisible. Being invisible, having no value, is terrifying. Well worth the horrible, insane behavior if the invisibility can be avoided.

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Excellent observation. Quite sad.

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There's definitely something to that for most women.

Conversely for some of us, being invisible is comforting. Being noticed can be alarming; it's often easier and safer to move through the world without anyone noticing you were there, especially when being seen visually does not equate to being seen as a person. Personally, I'd rather people see what I see than be looked at, most of the time.

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As a Finnish person I find this whole "invisibility is uncomfortable"- thing very interesting. In Finland, everybody - and I mean everybody - is invisible. In our culture, even looking at a stranger for more than 3-ish seconds is considered rude. And we don't do small talk with strangers in public places, such as waiting rooms, elevators, bus stops etcetera. Going about your business, keeping your voice down so others don't have to hear your personal conversations and leaving others, women and men, the hell alone is the norm. This, combined with the relatively low number of higher SSH men here, makes it so that even good looking women get almost no attention. Our most beautiful women throughout history have almost uniformily married foreign men and moved abroad.

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I have heard this about Finland. That almost sounds like too much invisibility! Funny, because here it is about choosing to be overlooked when one has the option to stand out more. There, if I understand it right, standing out more would ironically make one an outcast. It reminds me a little of the Amish virtue of plainness, except I think the Amish are otherwise pretty social.

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There has to be a tie in with the lack of sunlight and severe alcohol consumption too. Loved Finland when I visited, but there is something somber to it all that I just cant explain.

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Sounds like paradise to me.

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Which, in my modest opinion, could explain the difference of average looks of Finnish vs Swedish or Norwegian women (I have been a few times to the three countries, but not long enough to generalize this observation)

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One gets away with more flying under the radar.

So if one isn't a natural 9/10 beauty like my mom or one of my sisters, getting to do what you want without having to be "on" is relaxing.

There's an interesting little book, beautifully illustrated about a plain little worker bee girl, dreaming about being a queen bee. Sans natural gifts, it's not going to happen. So learning contentment, and gratitude for what one can do with what one has, is the road to a joyful life.

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It occurs to me just now, one of the other reasons it is often better to be flying under the radar: people show more of their true selves when they aren't trying so hard to impress.

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Here it is. Stories from a more honest time: https://archive.org/details/janewishing0000tobi/page/n6/mode/1up

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Oh, lovely! The illustrations are gorgeous, and she captures that feeling of being a child verging on womanhood and wishing to be so much more than one was just perfectly. The part about the eyes cracked me up, I remember being in seventh grade and wishing I could get contacts so my eyes would be greener than they are.

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Intriguing comment. Mind sharing what you perceive yourself being seen as instead of a person?

As a man, when I'm going about my daily business, I'm focused on getting tasks done as quickly and efficiently as possible.

People are basically nondescript obstacles that slow down my speed shopping, for example, as I navigate around them--with common courtesy, of course.

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Same here, and I'm a woman.

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Actually, that describes my daily interactions outside the home pretty well, as well. Nondescript is efficient.

What the commenter in the post described about male attention, how you can cause a man to have an accident or even just when they stop and stare at you like they've been poleaxed for a moment, certainly it's flattering. But then they get stuck in "m'lady" mode, when really I'm no better or worse than anyone else. Or worse, depending on where you are and who it is, there is sometimes actual danger.

I've had a wide spectrum of experiences over the years, and while it's pleasant when someone likes how I look, I much prefer to be liked because there is something about me - something I've said or done or created or shared - that people I respect find worthwhile. And if they don't, that's fine, too.

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(2) Agreed.

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That’s the one that’s a bit … projective.

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You mean you think she is right? She really isn't.

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No. I think the claimed resistance to negging comes from being bothered by the idea it’s subtly effective on women with her intelligence-appearance profile. And not from experience.

They’re the most susceptible. Ironically the belief in immunity makes it more effective.

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Ah, understood. yes, I agree perfectly.

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Negging, per the dating and mating definition has been featured prominently in pop culture for over a decade. Don't you think the cat might be out of the bag?

We can agree that there is some degree of detection or there'd be no reaction and no dating strategy. You could, as in note 2, argue at what level of consciousness this happens and whether that stays in reactive feelings or rises to intellectual recognition of the neg. That is a valid and intriguing question, that may or may not depend on how long ago the neg happened.

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No. It doesn't depend on some "mystic secret ninja technique" that is now destroyed because sunlight hit the borders of your magic scroll.

Just like absolutely blatant propaganda works on people that think it doesn't work on them, even when they recognise it as propaganda, it still does.

Negging is not a secret mystic technique. Thats's only how it is presented (and understood) by people who have no clue of what it is, how it works, and how to apply it. It is simply an observation of interpersonal dynamics. Like the SSH itself. It is simply a natural reaction the female responds to at a biological level, whether she acknowledges it or not consciously has only a marginal effect, if that.

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" women will tactically encourage lower ranked women to double down on mistakes (short hair anyone?) to knee cap them"

Women's virtue signaling is often based on seeking external validation. This, therefore, means that they are willing to give up their safe space in exchange for being part of the in-group. It is interesting to observe women defending Lizzo as beautiful, yet if told they look like her, it suddenly becomes an insult.

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Beauty is the ultimate reality check on women, and we all know how much women hate reality checks to their delusion bubbles.

The greater the reality check, the greater the rage.

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Yet they don't understand it. To wit female fashion is inexplicable to most heterosexual men. But it is the paramount yardstick in women's own evaluation of female "beauty".

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Especially shoes.

To a woman, shoes = life and death to their looks. "These shoes make me look cute! The other shoes make me look ugly. As if footwear changed her looks.

Most likely "looking cute" has deeper status-seeking implications among women. Nevertheless, they do believe it improves their looks at a fundamental level.

To a man, shoes = practical foot protection.

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call it what you will, but i percieve woman as inefficient and counterproductive.

self delusion about ones value and failing to care for others does not yield good long term results.

it seems to me women think they fool others but they only ruin themselves and others.

in anything other than a lord of the flies situation how does unassertive behavior signal display high value?

id say inflating the value structure debases it just like inflating the currency.

society has become a gynocentric nightmare slaved to womens silopsism and constant complaints about men.

If you take away all adventure and masculinity from a young man and tell him to never associate with women and feed him a high protein and carb diet without sufficient vitamin a and d there are growth imbalances.

i would say we are in a bigger than the both of us diseases of society situation.

i really think laura doyle is right if women got out of thier own way men would provide for them and it would be "better than they could stand"

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i like this post. i dont mean to hate on the women peeps. at least we have taylor swift: "instead of getting down by all the liars and dirty dirty cheats of the world you could be getting down to this sick beat 'my ex...shake shake shake"

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i definitely see this deception matrix causing suffering because of powerlessness and growing insecurity and sabotage of others. shraudefruede or resantement.

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women demand info of men but then use it to manipulate them.

i see know solution but to just Migtow otherwise become the most adapt deceptive man imaginable

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stay safe out there. appreciate this stack for exposing the shithouse that is human nature at least its honest thats what im here for

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i think authorities need to impose consequences and if they rebell ostracize them otherwise how will the rule of a man be exercised over his children?

enough woke crap

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the ancients persued eudiamonia they did not submit to women

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Interesting that even a fairly astute female is completely wrong about negging. And it works. I am neither an alpha or a sigma but one of my best summers was in high school when I successfully negged a hot cheerleader from another school. She was staying at beach with my cousins and she got so much attention I just ignored her and went about doing summer beach things. She was so made she threw my football jersey over the side of a boat we were on. We began dating after that and had a fun 6 month relationship. My negging was basically accidental but it works.

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This article is proof that most women share characteristics as what the traditional American would characterize as a "ninja boy."

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So, in short, women are children who are highly externally motivated, and will, in an extension of Sailer's Law of Female Journalism, overturn the entire social order so that somehow, somewhere, some time, some dude will still think she's "hawt".

"everyone reveals themselves in their words, how they present themselves, what they protect, what they know or don’t know, and so on"

We show others how to treat us. If you can't handle your own emotions or thoughts, or don't even know what they truly are, nobody else is going to be able to deal with them properly either.

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Worthy of multiple re-reads and quiet contemplation. This might be the best entry in the life of the SSH Substack.

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Watching that video.... man .... That plus-sized delusional chick. "I'm a 10,"

I nearly spit out my drink. "A 10? on what? The Richter scale?"

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The guy in her sights is a 10. And since she's the main character, she is also a 10. If the scale's number implies that she's fat, it's an evil, evil thing.

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It's worse than that, the huge one has been nicknamed "Gorlock the Destroyer" online, and is not a woman.

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Lawl, it's that one? It also claims that "95% of the time, I get the guy I want".

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The song "Maneater" suddenly comes to mind...

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How do the girls not get disgusted sitting so close to it? Has it accepted Father Nurgle, The Plague Lord? Or did it eat itself up to that size on its own?

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I only scanned a few minutes of the original video, but my guess is that most of those women are probably on birth control, which suppresses things like detecting gamma males. As a result, they aren't put off by a hugely obese tranny. And women who get a lot of tattoos, like the one on GTD's left there, are more inclined toward novelty and more easily accept weirdness.

The 6.7, who appeared to be the most reasonable in the group, didn't seem to be as down with Gorlock as the others.

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It is truly a mystery of the ages. I cannot imagine being comfortable in its presence, but you may be on to something with the Father Nurgle question.

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I've noticed that in comics women love a main character with a big butt; the comic will skyrocket in popularity.

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Sep 25Liked by Vox Day

Women rate themselves by their valuation of the hottest guy they've ever banged.

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Don't most aged women who have exited the phase of validation from beauty find the peace and wisdom to stop seeking external validation? Post menopause, once the reproductive function is gone, one must find peace and grace, right?

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The old home ideal was to, "Grow old and surrounded by grandchildren", with the second part marketed into being surrounded by cats and cruises to their detriment. There's very little validation that can match being looked up to by a gaggle of kids, particularly when being menopausal cuts your options short to begin with.

"Grandchildren are the crown of the aged, and the glory of children is their fathers."

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Women always need external validation. The question is, for what? Society has lowered the status of the traditional outlets, wife, mother, grandmother, matriarch, good cook, charming hostess etc. so the Wine Aunts who caught the feminist mystique have no outlets other than fading beauty, virtue signaling and "mompreneur" faux businesses.

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Paul says that women are saved through childbearing. I think he's obviously onto something. Look at post menopausal grandmothers with lots of doting grandchildren and great grandchildren. Now compare post menopausal cat ladies. Any questions?

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Not necessarily As the commenter suggested, plenty of older women find other outlets for their attention-seeking.

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It seems to be a not-insignificant factor in bringing them into MLM's. "I'm not desperate for attention; it's my business!"

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Half of modern economy is innovating off of women's need for attention.

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I keep thinking that. For all these women who never gain the insight or maturity, there's a lot of people making money off that.

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"My confidence is through the roof!"

- Every commercial of the last 10 years.

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I used to eat those commercials for breakfast. Let’s face it, it’s not just the ad or the deodorant they're selling—it’s a corporate brain bug, subtly modulating our brainwaves through our own devices. Straight out of a Philip K. Dick novel.

I can’t help but wonder about the poor beta males behind these ads, slowly losing themselves while creating an army of belligerent women. I get it. After too much Kill Bill and Buffy, I thought I was a martial arts expert too. Maybe I should’ve been binging Little House on the Prairie instead.

Back in the pre-COVID days, when I was still waiting for the government to take orders directly from Tumblr, I wasn’t sure whether to prep for a Mad Max wasteland full of rugged Alphas or a corporate dystopia where Tom Hiddleston robo-clones maintain order by catering to society’s kink addiction. Turns out, I needed both skill sets to survive.

I thought I was ready for this future, but boy was I wrong! My girl power speeches? Useless. Apparently, warlords aren’t impressed by TED Talks on self-esteem. My burst of confidence fizzled fast when one asked, “Can you wash dishes as fast as you talk?” Suddenly, all that ‘empowerment energy’ didn’t hold a candle to practical skills when he handed me a broom.

The final blow? When a Tom Hiddleston robo-clone grinned and gave me a quick reassessment of my priorities with a smirk that said, "Nice try." His smug grin told me everything—confidence wasn’t going to cut it here. Apparently, meme-powered life assessments end with you holding a vacuum and contemplating the deep philosophical question: how did it all go wrong?

Who knew confidence could backfire so spectacularly?

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Another reason to participate in athletic hobbies. To sort the wheat from the confident.

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The STD rates in many "retirement" communities would say no, this not something out of which they age.

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There's videos & documentaries about this in retirement communities.

Since women outnumber men by a lot, the women compete hard, to sleep with the available men. But since everyone has retirement money, they have to go back to competing on looks and personality, which ends up being skinny grandmas get the most action.

Hearing who the grandmas hit on is also enlightening. The guys who get the most action are the ones who can still drive, meaning, the grandpas who've retained their physical abilities and mental clarity get the most dates.

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25

What you've detailed is yet another reason why the elderly do not deserve deference just for being old.

"The hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteousness." Proverbs 16:31

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"Just because you're coming back, doesn't mean you're coming back better"

One of my college coach's favorite bon mots applies in many facets of life, not just sports.

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One HOPES to find peace and grace. I've found the perfect answer to my friends and neighbors suggesting I date and try to remarry is:

"Eh, thought about it. But it wouldn't be MY Michael, and it wouldn't be MY marriage to Michael."

Wee bit of "validation" in my alleged loyalty to him and the commenter's (muting) sorrow at my loss... {shrug} Not really, I just don't want to keep defending against people offering what I don't want!

The "need" for someone to carry out the bug I've trapped under a glass in the bedroom is NOT sufficient motivation to get entangled... (I DO feel the tiniest bit guilty about letting the disgusting thing starve to death over months.... but not enough to carry it outside alive!)

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If they have a husband and children to receive validation from, then yes. I think older childless women are especially crazy bc they are irrelevant.

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Well, at least their cats love their opposable thumbs!

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As if cats could love . . .

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Very interesting tour through their minds. Particularly this bit: "Women can see each other’s flaws, weaknesses and insecurities with heat seeking accuracy. We don’t fight physically because our beauty is critical so we fight psychologically. What is intriguing is when a straight, high level man lobs a soft ball in man pigeon-girleese at us. The neg can be as subtle as being ignored.(3) What is he thinking? We must know! There are two very compelling possibilities."

I think that I still agree with our host that really good negs are invisible. And, I'm not sure that even this very astute commentator actually gets what negging really is -- gammas do not neg, they insult.

"Bloodsport negging" is doing it wrong. Negging is not passive aggressivity, but rather signaling in some manner that you do not put that particular woman on a pedestal. This triggers the "why not? we must know; perhaps he is worthy" reaction.

I can now see some of the Sigma's success, because their absolute indifference is a kind of aura of neg. It only works because they are perceived to have relatively high status. Indifference out of a lamba gets different reaction for obvious reasons; from omegas and gammas indifference probably inspires gratitude that the woman in question does not have to waste time fending off the low status.

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25

Lambdas are great at negging, precisely because they're lambdas and don't care about dating women. They display many sigma behaviors when interacting with women due to the not caring.

My wife's friend has stated: all the hot guys are married or have boyfriends.

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