do you mean Monaco or?

there are certain wealthy locales in Europe where the rule is to never ask how an older man met his beautiful younger wife.

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Is the number of sexual partners a reliable predictor of divorce-rape?

If so, are the consequences of divorce-rape to the male in our current gynocracy potentially existential?

If so, how is evaluating that metric anything but prudent?

Here’s your path forward:

Today’s 19YO female has a double digit body count. The “Velcro” that allows for the pair-bonding which makes marriage work is long gone.

Exceptions do not prove the rule. Just because you’re happily married now doesn’t mean you’ll stay that way. And as far as that “couple you know,” statistically at least one of them has cheated.

Marriage is certainly not a rational decision but if you want it today, go to a traditional culture and stay there.

In our information-rich world any other decision is foolish in the extreme, and you deserve what you get.

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A great summation!

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Is the number of sexual partners a reliable predictor of divorce-rape?

If so, are the consequences of divorce-rape to the male in our current gynocracy potentially existential?

If so, how is evaluating that metric anything but prudent?

Here’s your path forward:

Today’s 19YO female has a double digit body count. The “Velcro” that allows for the pair-bonding which makes marriage work is long gone.

Exceptions do not prove the rule. Just because you’re happily married now doesn’t mean you’ll stay that way. And as far as that “couple you know,” statistically at least one of them has cheated.

Marriage is certainly not a rational decision but if you want it today, go to a traditional culture and stay there.

In our information-rich world any other decision is foolish in the extreme, and you deserve what you get.

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Do guys really frikken ask for a number? I have no idea....but for me, after my first high school relationship: no way! Speaking for myself, I feel I would reek of insecurity if I did. Because in that first relationship that was exactly the circumstance. What percentage of guys have that conversation? I've actively stopped a girl from having the conversation with me. I've never spoken about this with a guy friend, then again, I haven't had many guy friends that have been in as many different relationships as me. Very curious

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You are correct

You look for tells.

Asking decreases attraction,

Never had this conversation, have never been asked.

“There’s no one here now but you and me” is as far as it ever has gone.

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"Many a whore has made for a faithful and loving wife and mother."

That is the dumbest thing I've ever read. You should be ashamed of yourself.

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Once the ability to pair bond is lost, the woman might as well be another species.

Approach with care, it will do anything to protect itself.

Including, once you’re married, murdering you in your sleep.

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>“What does the past matter? The past is the past. You should be focused on the future! Our future!”

Are you sure the quoted text wasn't designed as rage bait? I have seen it used to troll on 4chan. If a female relationship expert recommend it to women she may be attempting to sabotage them.

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"Reframing" or the "Counterattack" is a common and effective technique for liars.

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How to confirm A woman is lying about her past? Her lips are moving. I kid I kid!!

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It's my impression, that "vetting" is a female mate selection strategy, which is applied by low-status men, who generally like to behave like women.

For men living in abundance there is no reason to bother with the sexual history of "the one", as there is no "the one".

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May 23·edited May 23

You have it completely backwards.

Alphas are always "vetting".

Just because they don't have the same standards or expectations that a Delta or Gamma has does not mean they don't have standards.

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Her innocence must be preserved by all means, including reducing the body count. His experience should be portrayed by overestimating his body count.

As Vox puts: Think of women communicational infelicities as misdirection in the interest of a) Conflict avoidance and b) making the woman feel that she is the prettiest and most desirable princess in all the land.

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I help run a private Orthodox Christian women's group online.

The topic of body counts, whether or not they matter in finding a spouse, life before/after baptism etc, has come up several times and will probably arise again.

Vox is absolutely right about the tells for who is honest and who isn't. Given enough time and little bits of info, one can reliably piece together that those who complain "it shouldn't matter!" Are usually the sort to obfuscate their actual number.

Also it seems to be more often low status women who lie about their past.

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"Many a whore has made for a faithful and loving wife and mother. In fact, that’s the outcome of which courtesans have dreamt for centuries..."

I'm half-way through Han Bangqing's "The Sing-song Girls of Shanghai," which is apparently an accurate portrayal of courtesan houses and culture in late 1800s Shanghai. The author frequented the sing-song houses of the time and a recurring theme is girls dreaming of marrying their clients, or working out how to achieve that end. It's also interesting in light of the SSH to see how accurately he portrays the different relationships between various SSH levels and courtesans.

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Women can be very strange creatures. And being a rapist or a a serial killer doesn’t necessarily discourage them; Richard Ramirez got many love letters and marriage proposals- when he was safely behind bars! So the rape fantasy thing doesn’t really mean she wants to be raped.

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May 22·edited May 22

It does not necessarily have to do with rape fantasies usually. Violent criminals have a proven track record of the ability and the willingness to be violent, meaning they are capable of ensuring the survival of the woman.

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Nah that ain’t it. Number one cause of death among pregnant women is homicide by the dad. The last thing you need in your partner is the tendency to fly off the handle and get violent. Then again women aren’t always rational, and many women did have rape fantasies about Ramirez, one author had a chapter about them in a book about the night stalker murders. Most were from troubled homes but certainly not all.

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May 23·edited May 24


You did not understand what I wrote.

Also you don't understand what hybristophilia is.

Also mind the words "necessarily" and "usually".

Also: these things are not mutually exclusive. Just because some women had rape fantasies, that does not mean that subconsciously they do not also crave someone who can protect them.

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You’re right and the implication that they are mutually exclusive is incorrect. My vocabulary is expanded now. Thanks 🙏 Hybristophilia is a disorder so the protection angle is a rationalization for getting a warm and wet pussy for the killer. The killer is typically younger and handsome. Ramirez was good looking in an Aztec way. I don’t think Edmund Kemper got a lot of female fan mail. More significant is that the criminal is behind bars so no real danger. The women unlucky or naive enough to be alone with Ted Bundy before he got caught could have used the protection of a normal man. After he was on Florida’s death row Bundy married and had a child even though conjugal visits were not permitted (guards were probably bribed). That woman was a Hybristophilic!

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It's really only a problem if she's an "Alpha Widow", as the redpillers call it. If she is constantly thinking of someone whom she perceives as better than you, resentment will fester, and it will show in other areas of the relationship. It should be pretty easy to tell if she thinks highly of you. If you're not sure, you have some reading to do.

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I strongly agree with this

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If you are low status:

"You get what you get, dont throw a fit" as my 5 year old would say.

She may have a past, right. Surely she does. Will she breed with you and make a good mom? Great. You can trade up with past/time in consideration. Excellent.

As Vox has hit many time, most high status men care little about body count. They know they are the best.

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The statistics are very clear about the ability to pair bond and body count. That's all I am going to say about that.

Personally I never found it very hard to determine body count - every new couple early on has some discussions regarding prior relationships - how many bf's did you have, how many gf's did you have - that sort of thing. Using basic math and paying attention to exactly what she says - and gently quizzing her about the 'fuzzy' parts gives you a pretty decent ballpark figure - and watching how she reacts to other men when she thinks you aren't paying attention fills in the rest - which is good enough.

And for the most part men don't need to lie because the vast majority of women consider it a plus if a man has had many partners in the past - it's a reliable indicator of SMV and women want men who other women want. I never had trouble with low bodycount women when they learned my history - the most common reaction I got was a sense of embarrassment in that they felt they weren't going to be 'experienced' enough to measure up and to a lesser extent you also have to prove to them that you are indeed serious about them and they aren't just another notch on the bedpost. The only women I have had problems with were very religious girls clearly working hard to protect their chastity to find a very religious man to pair with. Those girls I always respected and let them know up front that I was almost certainly not the right choice for them.

As a man I have standards for any woman I let into my life. Women almost certainly have standards of their own that they apply when evaluating me. The main thing I have found is that those standards rarely overlap because what women value and what men value are generally in-congruent - with the single exception of sexual fidelity once a relationship has been started.


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