It may be the case that up until this point a lot of Bravos have been effectively gatekept. They may secretly loathe the current regime but they still tacitly support it, lest they throw in with the true dissidents and risk their public reputation.

I’d be interested to know how many right-leaning Bravos got the clot shot.

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Vox, great you're getting guys to think about the importance of taking part in a crew of men.

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I think too many on the right are highly idealistic. With regard to Christian people, they have a tendency to make the perfect the enemy of the good. To a worldly materialist, gradual gains are acceptable as long as the cost/benefit tradeoff works.

Also, the right has no champions in the highest levels of power. In a way, true leftism doesn't either. This is not really a battle between two equally matched sides, wherein one side is performing better. The elites that govern us are actually probably much more apolitical than we would assume. It's about money and control and their internecine competition. Politics is merely a social control mechanism. One big circus - endless arguments about arguments. Politically left philosophy is the choice because it is an easier sell and it suits the end goal better.

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Leadership and Followership. You should be as fierce a follower as you are a leader. Both should be selfless and oriented towards the higher good. That's part of what makes effective teams.

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I'm not opposed to joining a group and lifting other people up. It's just that I've seen so few people on either side that I want to lift up. There are no politicians on the right that I want to invite to my house or pay good money to support.

There are very few on the right who even have a clue of what the socialists are doing and what they've got planned. They don't know who their enemies are in the upcoming war. They are still thinking about enemies from 20 years ago.

The only conservative who knows who the enemy is is Ted Cruz, and that's because of his Cuban background. And none of the Republicans can even come together to agree on anything.

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I would add that there seem to be a number of Gammas on the right as well. Those who can't conform on the left, but who can turn themselves into secret kings by debunking all the claims of the left. They add an incredible amount of backstabbing and drama to any incipient attempt to organize.

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Interesting analysis. I suspect in some cases the lack of cooperation between those on the Right is because they're in fact controlled opposition, and genuine success for the views they pretend to hold and the culture they pretend to push is not part of the agenda. On the Left, I think some of the cooperation is driven by the directives of their handlers rather than being organic, for political reasons or to drive sales or both.

But I think the analysis holds true anyway, disregarding the above cases. Alphas and Sigma's are disproportionately represented in the ranks of the right, and as you argued, are not inclined to co-operate. Is it even possible for an Alpha or Sigma to identify with today's Left? Are there any examples? Maybe an idea for a future post.

As an aside regarding the Gamma concept, as a child I had a silent nickname for my father long before I'd ever heard of the Gamma term. I called him The Little Prince. So when I heard about your Secret King concept, a light bulb went off. I think you're onto something with the Sigma concept too. Keep it up, a lot of people out here really appreciate what you're doing.

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In around 2018 I came to the conclusion that almost everyone on the Right/Alt-Right with more than 50,000 subscribers to any social media account was controlled opposition.

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Are you familiar about the concept of Foxes and Lions from Machiavelli's The Prince? I get the impression according to your Socio-Sexual Hierarchy that many betas and especially gammas would probably be foxes (especially since foxes can be more conniving and manipulating). I think Lions would more often range amongst Alphas and Sigmas (They tend to be more direct, blunt, and rely on raw power.)

I'm curious if you've thought and this, and what you'd think.

Thanks! I have enjoyed reading your blog.

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Hi, What is the difference between Alphas and Sigmas? what is the reality of female human behavior ?

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Alpha = high-status leader. Sigma = high-status outsider.

The reality of female behavior is the endless war between hormones and reason.

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Spot on with the female description. Thank you for voicing what it is like to be female.

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Interesting. As an analogy, supportive of your pattern observation, consider those that resisted getting the Vax. I believe Naked Emperor did a substack survey on Myers Briggs personality type vs resisters and they over represent those types most likely to be in the right tail of the IQ histogram. You can still key word search and pull up the data on IQ vs Myers Briggs type (with percent) and also MB vs % in the general population. As a group, the resistors lack the go along to get along drive most humanity have. They have been described as lone wolves. I would say that if you don't agree 100% with them they are likely to take their ball and go home. I had also thought this to be the general problem with the right vs the left. It would be interesting to know if the SSH sorts into MB with a particular skew with regard to Sigma vs Alpha and perhaps Bravo. Not holding hope that accurate data could be obtained from Gamma directly, bet that could be spitballed. Center of gravity MB @ 115. If Sigma skews right tail vs Alpha, that would be useful information, as well as if there is no skew.

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It's also because the Right cooperating together on the basis of ideology is wrong. Even nationalism is a fiction. Since the Right is truth-oriented, attempts to cohere on this basis always fail due to their necessarily-false foundation.

Genetics is reality. The sound basis of cohesion is the patriarchal pack, united by shared Y-DNA interest. A country is one or more Y-DNA clades holding a territory, united by commonalities of language, religion, culture and DNA.

Rightist dissidents almost never mention their Y-DNA clade, which is fine since their audience doesn't know theirs either. Insular tribal groups easily outcompete such clueless "altruists". Anyone who identifies by their sports team or evil empire deserves to be replaced.

Mine is I1 Nordic. I am Nordic first, not American or Texan or any ideological label. Hail Odin, father of I1!

Prominent members of I-M253 | Wikipedia | I1 Nordic


3rd cousin marriage is the eugenic foundation of clan cohesion.


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One part of the dearth of bravos might be the utter mistreatment of them by the current society. Vox has spoken of Sigma's as a broken Alpha, what happens to broken Bravo's?

Our current society absolutely abuses us bravo's. There's no loyalty at all, in any kind of hierarchy. Company's have ditched us. Sociopaths and Psychopaths are on the rise, and are just Bravo bait. Alpha's aren't taught how to retain loyalty of their underlings.

~9 years ago, I converted to Catholicism and switched from working in Theatre as a Set and lighting designer to Electrician. Took Vox's advice on job that he had expressed in the blog posts because it matched my skill set and made enough money to support a family. Anyways, went from being a Bravo making people's visions happen in theatre, to the hierarchy of the trades.

High intelligence, dealing with the average trade person, and lowest on the hierarchy, is rough. But you accept your lot and deal with it. However, when foremen realize you catch on quick, know electricity from past jobs, and by 3rd and 4th year apprenticeship you're running 15 man crews over people in the 30 years senior than you... You need someone to have your back.

When you have methed up addicts go at you with lineman plyers

When you have roid'd out, jealous apprentices your year that could smash your face

When you have a project manager lying and stealing, while the company hiring your outfit is doing the same, and you're the go between.


Because, in our head, our authority comes from above. That's how authority works, and to us, you undermine your own damn self when you undermine us, and we wash our hands of the whole thing as soon as possible if you don't back us. Because we don't mind conflict, and we know our worth, we'll drop things quicker than Deltas who will hang around, fearful they can't find better. We know we can.

So, the damaged Bravos start their own little outfits. We become our own authority. AND WE HATE IT. I hate the constant conflict. The desire to tear everything down around me, and knowing how to do it. I can do conflict up to a point, but then shakes and adrenaline kick in, and it's either go away, give in, or get physical. Or to give in forever, work for someone else, and be a slave again. Because to the damaged Bravo, there's no in between without a good leader. It's Delta and misery, or conflict and burning bridges. Bouncing rubble. We're not leaders, but we look for them, yearn for them, and fear being taken in by a false one. Because we have a great deal to lose, and the system is set up for us to keep losing it.

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The abuse of Bravo loyalty is a good observation. Continuing from your line about bravos starting their own outfits, the bravo type tends to rise and conform to groups he naturally finds himself in, rather than staking forth and choosing their own alpha. That means that the incumbent groups, which are largely leftist, monopolize the bravos. All those places modern children MUST attend by default: Schools, corporate, construction, Daily Show watchers, etc. Thus, the bravos end up as glue holding together these awful leftist institutions.

The failure is from Right-Alphas who aren't harvesting bravos from the crowd. Because, being on the right, they are not mainstream so they have to make an extra effort to get bravos. I truly think one of Trump's biggest failures was neglecting Mike Flynn in favor of Mike Pence. Flynn looked to me the ideal Bravo who would have gladly executed Trump's agendas with both loyalty and finesse yet Trump didn't grab him and elevate him.

As to -why- right-alphas can't harvest bravos? I think it's that right-alphas don't want to assume responsibility for capable bravos. In taking Flynn, Trump would have had to use his own prestige to shield Flynn, whereas with Pence he was so boring Trump didn't have to put any skin in the game to host him. Alphas are so used to hierarchies naturally sorting themselves out around them that they lack the awareness to personally invest risk to graft outsiders into it. Ex: Trump restricting his cabinet positions to choosing the best out of the swamp pool instead of potent outsiders. The alpha leader may escape the leftist system but they need to help bravos and deltas follow them out of it after them. Unfortunately it's Sigma, omegas and even gammas who can see the world outside their immediate pool.

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Maybe, but I got tired of it. I have to play the cards I'm dealt with in my local community, as any bravo does. But as far as work goes, I just won't put up with it anymore. So I started my own business instead. I can do conflict, to a point where it's either up it to the next level or back away. Just this week it came to that on a work order - I backed away, plugged away at things for a few days, and addressed the issue from a better bargaining position and with my head on better rather than wanting to throttle the guy with my hands shaking. I won't work for him again, and I'll move on where a delta would keep plugging away or not even work for himself.

I don't know about the bigger names. It seems like they get too paranoid about being taken in, that they're never willing to risk putting their reputation on the line for someone else, even when it's in their own organization. They don't realize that by failing to do so they undercut their own reputation and authority long term. You can get away with it once or twice, but you can't do that and keep any amount of loyalty within your hierarchy or get anyone to take risks on your behalf. If you want some lukewarm, pansy, limpwristed agenda - then that would work. If your out to send your enemies running before you and take their womenfolk, you need to realize you're going to have to tend to your fallen as they come in.

But yeah, I think they're all just too paranoid.

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Sounds like my stint as a fracer. Current effort - I'm sigma or something - find a Bravo doing the sole businessman thing, support him by dealing with bullshit so he doens't have to.

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Sounds like a good plan. Aurini, did you ever write a second book? It's been awhile, but I remember enjoying the first one if I'm remembering it correctly.

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No one has mentioned *the* classic* Bravo:

The guy who keeps the coke machine filled; aka the RIO,: the top gun second-seat.

The one I know is tall, blonde, confident, chill, nabbed the tier 1b blonde, and after leaving the Navy got a nice job at Major Corporation, where he promptly topped out at V.P. All the ladies in his life adore him; none of their husbands are threatened by him.

On a side note, I hope the series gets to the monogamous Christian Alpha. It used to be a commonplace in Christendom.

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I don’t see any flaws with the analysis.

Sadly, I don’t see any widespread effective solutions either other than the one I posited a decade ago now, which is the rise of city-states, as these can at least reasonably (if with great difficulty) come into being through the efforts of mostly one leader.

I suspect the process will initially be an accumulation of omegas and deltas with a chasing out of would-be alphas until a tipping point of partially/periodically supporting sigmas and natural evolution/progression of some deltas into pseudo-bravos until actual bravos get attracted to the budding community.

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The great advantage of city states is you have to mka a militia, which means you can train alphas to support bravos. Except you will be saying that the captain of the militia needs his Sargents. Teach em when they are young and then build the guilds.

Yes this is how Venice and Florence used to work.

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I agree. You're concept: "Would be Alpha's", Reminded me of something: "Controlled Alpha's".

That's the other problem I see the article addressing. There's a lot of Controlled Opposition Alpha's on The Right, (Trump). Who people love to follow; even though he didn't build the wall or deport the illegals. When the whole thing collapses and we have to rebuild. "Controlled Alpha's" are going to be spending their energy convincing everyone that they should be in charge, while Alpha's and Sigma's are actually leading the rebuilding of society.

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One of the common traits of the real unauthorized is sincerity. Not-grifting definitionally. The fake right sprinkles in some truth, but in service to the larger lie. That ecosystem is an extended delusion bubble. Gammas profiles are optimized there. High status males would leave in minutes.

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How many on genuine right-wing figures besides Trump are actually Alphas? They tend to be Sigmas like VD and Cerno who wear the crown of leadership *reluctantly* and don’t truly enjoy doing it at a large scale and for a long period time.

“I am the leader of GamerGate and so are you” was probably the best example of this outlook.

If there were more right-wing Alphas willing to lead in a big way, perhaps the Bravos will come out of the woodwork.

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"They tend to be Sigmas like VD and Cerno ..."

Vox, yes ... but Cerno? That lisping dork with a history of tranny loving is neither alpha nor sigma ... he's classic Gamma. Cerno goes on and on about "China" and "good blacks" and his homosexual friends while avoiding the unmentionables. He's a gatekeeper, and a piece of shit.

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You beat me to it. Controlled Opposition.

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