The HYPERGAMOUSE campaign has now exceeded the third stretch goal, and therefore we have added not one, but TWO variant covers featuring original artwork commissioned from Arkhaven illustrators Ademir Leal and Narcelio Sousa.
Ademir will be doing the cover for the variant paperback, and while we anticipate it will probably be a little less aggressive than his covers for THE AWAKENER and MIDNIGHT’S WAR, we can’t guarantee it.
Narcelio will be doing the cover for the variant hardcover and Jami is already lobbying very hard to be the model for it. Both she and the artist have been instructed that she will have to keep her clothes on.
Don’t forget that you can also obtain a paperback, hardcover, or leatherbound edition of the first edition of SIGMA GAME as well.
Always happy when you work with Brazilians Vox! I randomly heard Luciano Cunha mentioning you on a mainstream interview some years ago and it was quite amusing to realize I was probably one of the only ones listening that knew who you are.
Ademir's artwork always packs a punch!
But Jami can be in her cheerleader costume, can't she?
Just say yes.