Do those Tortellettes have mohawks???

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If they taste as delicious as they look good, she's the best!

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Congratulations to her!

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Wow! Is she single? Just kidding…

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As a foreigner in Switzerland, it’s hard not to be surprised by the sheer dedication they show chocolate here. Any large railway station or shopping mall generally has multiple choloatier-stores.

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You’re making me hungry. And I just ate lunch…

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If The Dark Lord had those extra 12 hours a day, you know he'd have a coffee and chocolatier business spooling up now.

Looks great, congrats to the young lady.

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One would have to exercise some serious self-control at that table. I fear I wouldn’t be the picture of refinement or a good ambassador for the US. Cappuccino choux for dinner, red kitkat-lookin things for dessert.

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The Kit-Kat-looking things are amazing.

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"The best thing about the competition? At the end, everyone attending is not only invited to partake in an aperitivo and a vast table of hors d'oeuvres, but is actually encouraged to sample all of the various contestants’ entries!"

Quite uncommon but quite pleasant. It must have been a lovely surprise.

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Congratulations to the young lady, and beautifully done! Being able to turn food into art is an incredible set of skills.

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Takes me back to my culinary school days. The baking and pastry competition was the best!

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I gained 20 pounds just looking at the scrumptious items.

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"win the social media prize by a large margin"

Dark Lords for Dark Chocolate.

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Congratulations! I can't eat more than one or two pieces before I have a reaction, so that's not the place for me, but it certainly looks delicious

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Bon appetit!

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There is a particular woman I know who would be in heaven at that competition.

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