Rishi Sunak is an Indian Hindu. Although he was never elected to the office by the people of Great Britain, he also happens to be the current Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, which sufficiently illustrates the abject degree to which the English people have fallen. Once the masters of the empire on which the sun never set, they now have a strange little pagan from one of their former colonies presiding over their government.
Despite a short and very bizarre media campaign which genuinely attempted to transform the tiny Conservative Party member into a sex symbol - the title “Dishy Rishi” was actually floated before being rapidly abandoned to the unmistakable sound of tens of millions of English vaginas vacuum-sealing themselves shut in horrified response - it was always eminently clear that despite being a situational Alpha married into one of India’s richest families, the diminutive Sunak remains an inveterate Gamma with all of the usual Gamma behavioral patterns.

Consider Sunak’s all-too-typical response to an obvious question that cannot possibly have been unanticipated by either the Prime Minister or his staff.
Speaking to BBC Radio Tees this morning, Mr Sunak was told by host Amy Oakden that the 'overwhelming' question being asked by her listeners was when the general election date would be.
This included listeners asking why he 'hasn't got the guts' to call a general election right now, Oakden said.
A laughing PM replied: 'Well, I've answered that question many times.'
When it was pointed out by Oakden that he had yet to name a date - and pressed him to do so - Mr Sunak continued to laugh and added: 'No, unfortunately not.'
Oakden then replied: 'Why not? Why is that funny? Sorry. Why are you laughing about that?'
The PM responded: 'Because there's a way that we announce general elections, and it would be done in a formal and official way.’
Of course, there is absolutely nothing funny about when an unpopular government is going to call the general election that is expected to sweep its party from power. Nor can one try to explain the strange behavior away by claiming that the Prime Minister was taken off-guard by the question, since it was in the context of a media interview taking place in the aftermath of recent polls reporting his government’s near-historic levels of unpopularity and dissatisfaction.
So why was Rishi Sunak laughing so uncomfortably at something that wasn’t even remotely funny? The answer is because that is what Gammas do when they are put under pressure in an environment where they know they cannot give into their impulse toward rage. The laughter is simply sublimated anger.

It’s entirely normal to behave oddly when suppressing emotion. People often smile inappropriately when they are giving bad news or attempting to hold back their tears. But most men don’t laugh under pressure, and they certainly don’t laugh weirdly and repeatedly when someone is doing nothing more than asking them a simple and obvious question.
Gammas do, and for two reasons. First, they are sublimating their anger. Rishi Sunak was obviously furious that Ms Oakden dared to ask him, HIM, THE PRIME MINISTER OF THE UNITED KINGDOM, a question, however obvious and relevant, that made him feel bad. He doesn’t want to talk about anything that draws attention to his failure, because that punctures his Gamma delusion bubble in which he is a great success who is much-loved by the people.
Second, they are doing that weird Gamma thing wherein the Gamma imagines how he thinks an Alpha would behave in the situation and thereby exhibit social superiority by imitating this imaginary behavior.
When a Gamma directs an LOL or an LMAO or even a ROTFLMAO at you, what he is attempting to do is demonstrate his imagined social superiority to you, while simultaneously alleviating the anger that he feels by the threat you pose to his self-esteem. The Secret King always wins because he is above all social conflict and any attempt to question him or contest his status can only merit dismissive laughter.
After listening to Owen during his Pajeet Week and the reactions from many Indians, Indian culture seems to be Gamma to a degree that is leaves other cultures in the dust. And given the sheer number of them infiltrating into the West, the damage they cause can be considerable.
That being said, if only Westerners were as zealous in protecting and defending their cultures.
Here's the audio clip quoted: https://twitter.com/scottygb/status/1775061524157006291
The female interviewer asked after he started laughing: "Why not? Why is that funny? Sorry. Why are you laughing about that?"