A woman writes to share her thoughts on why women react so negatively to even a hint of Gamma in a man. Keep in mind that I neither requested nor suggested this. These are strong words, but they are straight-up from the mare’s mouth.
If I reflect upon why Gammas are so reflexively repulsive it boils down to a few things.
The Gamma is observably shunned by society. Shunning is the weapon of choice for women. Even a whiff of it is like a drop of blood in the water to a shark. No woman will find it desirable to attach herself to someone that will extend that shunning to herself immediately, and to her future children. She and her children will have greatly limited themselves in life by joining under that umbrella. Never mind that perpetual shunning points to an underlying, intolerable character flaw.
The Gamma is also likely to get himself cast out. In the old days that meant death. An Alpha male can be cast out and he will take some of the tribe along. He will certainly protect the woman but the Gamma is the one that pushes the pregnant love interest in front of himself as a shield. Here cave bear, eat her, not me. He’s also lazy and full of excuses. Need some mammoth meat? Go get it yourself.
Life will be much harder for you and your progeny with a Gamma. If you survive at all. Generally this is enough of a red flag to make the Gamma radioactive. However, there is more if you observe what happens to the women that settle for Gammas.
The Gamma is a creation of too much mothering and smothering. There is a lack of boundary between the Gamma’s self and the mother’s self. No woman wants to insert herself into that situation. Mother-in-law from hell anyone? It’s way too crowded and Mommy is guaranteed to hate whomever comes between her and her precious boy. And don’t expect the Gamma to put his foot down and set boundaries on Mommy’s bad behavior. How damaging this is to the family dynamic is not a consideration. He likes being the center of attention. He likes being fought over by two women. E.g. Raymond in Everyone Loves Raymond.
Growing up, the Gamma is told the sun and moon rise and set upon him. He is the most intelligent, the most handsome, the most desirable. When the world reflects reality back on the Gamma he can not bear the disconnect and spends all his time constructing delusional hat tricks to hide from that. The tell is that it is a rage-driven effort, like a child’s temper tantrum. The Gamma is a profoundly selfish creature and a profoundly insecure one. He will verbally abuse and gaslight to control. He is toxic.
His behavior is both child-like and womanish, which activates a dual sense of “peer” and child. There is something hard-wired in women to eschew as romantic partners by way of behavior. This is shown in movies as the besotted boy that is viewed by the most desirable woman as “just a friend” or "like a brother". It’s why in Some Like It Hot it is plausible that Tony Curtis, dressed as a woman, is completely invisible to all the women around. The Gamma is womanly in the way he uses passive-aggression and insults to control. Yet absent the female power hierarchy, he is badly out of context. Women relate to and categorize him the same way they do children, gay men and trannies.
Finally the Gamma is not able to love you. He is prone to obsession and stalking, which means he obsesses on his idea of you and what that brings to his self image. That is all. Violate that fantasy in any way and brace for further machinations. It’s not about you. It’s entirely about him.
Your comment section is an endless source of new posts and examples of SSH profiles. It's brilliant. They can't help but identify themselves.
This confirms to me that vox is correct that there’s a significant genetic element to the gamma. Ive known more than one higher status guy who had the kind of mother described here. You can usually spot the gamma by what they do the second any kind of boundary setting is remotely possible. Usually the non gamma man will give mommy a very stern “cut this shit out if you want to know your grandchildren” asap.