A recently-banned commenter here whines at length about what was always going to be his inevitable fate. The object lesson here is how he completely failed to understand ANYTHING about the concepts involved, made no attempt to confirm that his incorrect apprehensions were correct, leaped into the ongoing discussion with an antagonistic and highly judgemental posture, and then was genuinely surprised that he was instantly and immediately dismissed without any engagement whatsoever.
Anyway, my initial comment was a provocation, insofar as I have never before referred to myself as a Sigma, and I knew it would piss him off and set off his gamma radar. Like I said, I was picking a fight. The commentariat did not disappoint. I am accustomed to lefties claiming I am stupid, anytime I question them. One and all of Vox Day’s commentariat who responded to me, in lieu of a strict argument, asserted that obviously, ackshually, I am clearly not smart enough to participate in Vox Day’s precious comment section. I generally don’t take people seriously who call me too stupid to understand whatever. My general attitude in such discussion is to egg them on, entice them into revealing their true character (it never fails.)
It became clear, no one responding to me was particularly perturbed by dude fucking his “friends” girlfriends and wives. Cuckolding his friends, see, he is doing a service, the men weren’t performing. He gave the women what they wanted. I wonder though, if the Sigma has so much indifference and contempt for women, why is it then good to cuckold the men with such contemptible women?
Vox Day did not step into the conversation until after it was all said and done, he did not engage me but repeatedly denounced me as a gamma and then banned me indefinitely.
It is a good thing my self worth does not depend on Vox Day’s or his commentariat’s opinion of me.
That said, what I learned about my misgivings about the SSH, is the incessant need, nay, demand of the commentariat to separate behavior and morality, which more than one of the commentariat said are two entirely different things and totally unrelated. This strikes me as an attempt to make the behavior justify itself, outside any moral framework. Sigma acts, therefore it is justified. Vox Day would not say it like that, but that is essentially what is implied by Vox Day and the commentariat and their seeming indifference to the behavior of the Murakami character, which at least one of the commenters openly celebrated.
In most tribal cultures, adultery would often lead to exile, a fate worse than death. Adultery could tear a tribe apart, it could not be countenanced. Even one so great as Crazy Horse loved the wife of another, he got shot in the face for it, it threatened war between tribes. The seventh Commandment in the Christian tradition is Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery. It is the gravest of sins in the Muslim tradition. Adultery is contrary to community, society and civilization to pretty much everybody everywhere.
The fact that Vox Day and his commentariat seemed indifferent at best and supportive at worst of the behavior of the Murakami character, makes me wonder if the Sigma Game is about training sociopathy. It strikes me as just another sign of a generalized deconstruction of every boundary, the demolition of every moral and ethical rule, most often associated with the left but not exclusively apparently. It strikes me as might-makes-right, my behavior as an Alpha or a Sigma justifies itself, regardless of the consequences for everybody else.
I’m not saying Vox Day is training his people that way, but that seems what some of his commentariat is taking from his lessons - and it was me Vox Day denounced, a good deal more than the behavior of the Muarkami character.
This is pure Gamma midwittery. If you don’t understand why it is always necessary to eject the Gammas from the discourse, from the group, from the project, and from the organization, this should suffice to explain the necessity to you.
First, despite their pretensions, Gammas don’t mean well. They NEVER mean well, all the disclaimers about “honest question” and “I’m just TRYING to understand” notwithstanding. Their purpose is always to exalt themselves in some way, even if it is a way that neither you nor anyone else can reasonably comprehend will do so.
This one however, perhaps irrationally, pissed me off, and I fired off a comment without really thinking about it, but definitely spoiling for a fight.
So brave. Much wow. But I’m not here to fight with anyone. If you don’t like me, don’t agree with me, or don’t believe me, that’s fine. Go do it somewhere else. Sigma Game is for those who wish to better understand and apply the SSH, not for those who question it. If you disagree with some aspect of it, then go make a YouTube video redefining everything in a nonsensical manner more to your liking; there is certainly no shortage of people doing that.
Second, Gammas are lazy. They are SO FUCKING LAZY it is hard to believe, especially in light of how they will harbor a grudge for decades, and spend hours digging through Wikipedia and Google in an attempt to prove that even though they were obviously shown to be wrong, there is a context in which, if you squint hard enough, they might possibly have been right if things were entirely different.
But their laziness is up front. Their energy is purely reactive, being fueled by the desperate need to shore up a delusion bubble that is in imminent danger of deflating. This particular Gamma couldn’t bother to do the work required to understand what either a Sigma or a Gamma is, or read enough of the site to run across the distinction between SSH rank and morality, but he’s damn sure going to write a wall of text after the fact justifying his embarrassing attempt to opine and pronounce judgment in total ignorance.
Third, the Gamma ALWAYS sets himself up as the ultimate prosecutor, judge, jury, and executioner all in one. Sometimes, as in the case of Mega Gamma Curt Doolittle, he will even do so explicitly.
Period. End of Story. So, Accusation Submitted. Argument Presented. Judgment Presented. Conviction Issued. The only question is the sentencing and the punishment for your crimes against humanity.
Fourth, everything, EVERYTHING, is always all about them. The average Gamma can find a way to make a) the conflict in the Middle East, b) space travel, c) the latest Marvel movie, and d) an esoteric theology debate all about himself without even breaking a sweat. Their solipsism not only rivals, it quite often exceeds that of the average woman. For example, in the linked diatribe, there are more than 35 self-references.
Anyhow, be sure to read the whole wall of text. Not only will it be educational, I am confident that you will understand why I always ban these losers as soon as they reveal themselves to be unrepentant and unmitigated Gammas.
That guy's quote would fit perfectly into a Doof speech bubble
The guy should have read the SSH fable that you posted, Vox. The Sigma raccoon is not only the first to die, he dies stupidly, albeit happily. At no point is the Sigma glorified as beyond morality or consequence. If I remember correctly, you said that the Sigma must find a way to tone down his indifference to things like morality and the wishes of his wife if he is to lead a good life. (I'm paraphrasing, but I think it was something like that.)